Pakistan remains expecting 3G and 4G technology. however European nation and therefore the United Kingdom have started making ready 5G network. you\'ll be able to transfer a full show at intervals one second.

W orld is lightness moving ahead in technology, consistent with the most recent news, 3 universities of the 2 countries ‘UK and Germany’ area unit acting on a joint project in  5G network making ready.

British Prime Minister David Cameron proclaimed a deal that hnuur (Germany) throughout a fair. South Korea has already acting on this technology and has been allotted $ one billion for his or her goal.

Prime Minister Cameron says the united kingdom can pay £ forty five million on the project. This new facility would be started from 2017 and till 2020 it had been conjointly common for users. 5G web thus quick that its users are able to transfer the whole show in one second.

On the opposite aspect there area unit many reasons to delay within the introduction of 3G in Asian country together with, ancient functionary lethargy and apathy of political leadership.